Friday, December 28, 2012

A New Year, A New Song

Our wee one, Little Bit, has a hard time taking a nap at any place other than home. And, we were visiting family for Christmas. By the time naptime rolled around, she was not happy, to say the least.

A walk in the stroller out-of-doors was in due order and pronto!

Sunshine Girl followed along, and as I pushed the stroller, we took turns searching for dandelions to blow.

It wasn't long before Little Bit was a happy camper.

But then, Sunshine Girl had a sorrowful look on her face.  And, then I saw why. 

A little bird lie still and lifeless on the side of the road. Sunshine Girl bent down low to get a good look at it.

"Can I touch it, Mommy?"

"Better not, honey, it's dead; it's little heart isn't beating anymore.  Best leave the little bird alone."

Someone had cared enough to leave some flowers on the road right next to it.

"Poor little thing," I mused.

Being the lover of nature that I am, I think my children have followed suit. I found out later, that Bright Girl had left the flowers.

Finding the fallen bird left a little ache in my heart, reminding me of many little aches I have felt this year.

Like Billy still being jobless (it's almost been a year now),

and my side of the family are all sick (I couldn't see them for Christmas).

What do I do with all these little aches and pains of life in this broken world?

What will 2013 have in store for me?

{{Is anybody out there?}} 

{{Does anybody care?}}

Well, yes.

Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

He is there. He does care. Even for the little fallen birds.

Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:29-31, NASB)

{{Hallelujah!  What a Savior!}}

Just knowing that Christ cares has really lifted me up and given me peace in my heart and hope for the future.

Thankfully, I don't have to sit around worrying about what 2013 will be like or what little ache will come next. I know my Savior will take care of me.

"He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear And will trust in the LORD" (Psalm 40:3)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Christmas Tree Story

Our family has quite a story about our first pre-lit artificial Christmas tree, involving a mangy kitty, a can of Lysol, and lots of forgiveness.  

Several years ago, we took in a cat from a relative, and he was quite a mess.  

His hair had been shaved, his bottom burned because he sat on a hot stove, and he was full of fleas. I made an appointment to get all his shots and to have him neutered. But, the vet couldn't see him for a week.

Knowing that cats mark their territory if they aren't fixed, I made him a nice cozy spot in our garage, until his appointment.

After he went to the vet, we started him on flea treatment, he grew out a beautiful, healthy fur coat.

It was after Thanksgiving that we decided to put up the Christmas tree—the Christmas tree, only a year ago, my husband had braved the mad dash to get the rock bottom Black Friday price at Macy's.  

Right away, we noticed the bag that held the tree had something brownish and sticky on it. One good whiff and we knew that our kitty had done a little territorial "marking" on the bag, before we had him fixed—and, it must have happened months ago.

The puddle had been sitting on the bag all that time. I hoped that the bag kept the tree from olfactory ruin, but upon opening it and getting an eye watering sniff, we both knew the stench had definitely gotten through.

My husband rushed to the store and purchased a few cans of air freshener. Spraying it with all his might, he desperately tried to de-stink the tree, but to no avail.

The garbage truck came the next day and took away our beautiful, musty pre-lit Christmas tree.

We were disappointed to be sure but, we forgave our kitty. He couldn't help marking our Christmas tree. It was in his nature. He had to be changed before he could do any differently.

We humans are the same.

We want to be humane, caring, giving, and loving, but can't seem to pull it off. Instead, we are angry brutes and deal with people's hearts like a bull in a china shop, piercing through and wounding all in our wake.

It really stinks.

Sin that is.

There is an internal change that we must all undergo to be saved from our sins.

Unlike Lysol (which didn't work), the taint and effects of sin, by the power of the Holy Spirit, as we walk in humble obedience, is truly lifted from our hearts and our nature is changed for the better.

Our sins are such an awful stench to God that Jesus Christ received the full due punishment for them all on the cross. By His grace we are saved, by His stripes we are healed. If we hold onto the truth in obedience without wavering, our lives will be transformed.

It is my hope that by the grace of God, the people of God, one person at a time, will reflect the beauty of the Lord and the curse and stink of sin will be done away with.  

Then we will be able to breathe deeply the sweet fragrance of the love of Christ and truly embody His love to one another.

“…looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. (Titus 2:14, NASB