Sunday, July 28, 2013

{One Mission} Part 2: For His Glory

For Your Glory

Who, tell me, who, am I supposed to be?
Why I don't fit in,  
Why I seem all wrong. 
Why am I on the outside, looking in?
How long?
Nowhere do I belong.
Can this be a good thing?
Was I made this way on purpose? 
For a purpose? 
To reflect something unique.
About You.
That none knows, that no one else sees?
That I can tell.
Could it be?
That I was made for Your glory? 
I've been thinking and praying and trying to figure out what my {One Mission} is. 
Just a simple statement that will give me focus and direction in my life (I wrote more about it here).

Something real and applicable that will flow from moment to moment no matter where I am or who I am with.

The answer came from several sources:

A letter from a missionary friend, a message from the pastor, a verse in my children's devotional book.

What joy!  When I can see another piece of the plan that God has for my life.

I just had to share this one. 

I couldn't keep it to myself.

I don't think I'm supposed to, anyway.

This won't take very long, but it is the {One Mission} that I want to spend the rest of my life living:

Together With Jesus

Together With His People

Sharing My Life and My Story

For His Kingdom and For His Glory

That's it.

Simply said, but not so simply done.

And, this I cannot do, without the help and power of Christ working out in my life.

In John 15:5, Jesus declares, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

The {One Mission} isn't just a personal mission statement.

It is an invitation for anyone who wants to live life more abundantly (that means a fruitful life).

The four points are:

1.  Together With Jesus:

Abide in Christ’s love and you'll never be alone.


2.  Together With His People:

In sharing your life with others, there is a risk, and you even might get burned, but don't give up!

There are trustworthy people out there. And, you'll need help to find them.

Don't be afraid to pray and ask the Lord for good friends.

3.  Sharing My Life and My Story

Those friends will be a God-send and will come alongside you and help you to know your story.

So you can share it with the people who don't know that God loves them (John 3:16).

4.  For His Kingdom and For His Glory

Jesus is the King of everyone and everything.  Looking around here, it doesn't always seem that way.  But, that's where faith comes in.  And, when others see your steps of faith, it glorifies our King.

You'll have no idea what wonderful things that the Lord will do with your life and your story.

It takes a lot of faith.

But, it's faith in action, which is really what matters in the long run.

It's okay to be different, and your difference in the church, the body of Christ will make all the difference in the world.

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35)

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